Mass Times in Chicago (Illinois)
Welcome to the Mass Times of Chicago! This index provides a straightforward way to find mass times for churches in Chicago (Illinois).
Using the directory is very convenient. If what you are looking for are today's mass times in Chicago, you can find them below. If what you require is a church directory for the area, you can find it in the last section of this page.
📅 Today's Mass Times in Chicago - Sunday, March 16th 2025
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🕒 Updated Schedule For Today Sunday, 16th March 2025
At 06:00:
At 06:30:
At 06:45:
At 07:00:
- Holy Name Cathedral
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Queen of All Saints Basilica
- St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- St Bartholomew Catholic Church
- St Bruno Catholic Church
- St Cajetan Catholic Church
- St Dorothy's School
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St John Bosco Catholic Church
- St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church
- St. Genevieve Catholic School
At 07:15:
At 07:30:
- Five Holy Martyrs Church
- Saint Jane De Chantal Catholic Church
- Saint Juliana Catholic Church
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Gall Catholic Church
- St Helen Catholic Church
- St Ladislaus Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Woods Catholic Church
- St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church
- St Procopius Catholic Church
- St Rene Goupil Catholic Church
- St Symphorosa Catholic Church
- St. Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish & Church
- St. Hyacinth Basilica
- St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church
- St. John Cantius Catholic Church
- St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church
- St. William Catholic Church
At 07:45:
At 08:00:
- Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy
- Christ Our Light Catholic Church
- Epiphany Roman Catholic Church
- Good Shepherd Catholic Church
- Holy Angels Catholic School
- Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
- Holy Trinity Polish Catholic Church
- Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest
- Maternity B.V.M Catholic Church
- Old St Mary's Catholic Church
- Old St. Patrick's Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
- Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
- Sacred Heart Croatian Catholic Church
- Saint Clement Church
- Saint Denis Catholic Church
- Saint Henry Cemetery
- Saint Phillip Neri School
- Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
- Saints Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Shrine of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Millennium Center
- St Barnabas Catholic Church
- St Bede The Venerable Catholic Church
- St Christina Catholic Church
- St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church
- St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
- St Hedwig Catholic Church
- St Hilary School
- St John Fisher School
- St Josaphat Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church
- St Michael Catholic Church
- St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
- St Pascal Catholic Church
- St Thomas More Catholic Mission Church
- St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church
- St. Agatha Catholic Church
- St. Benedict Parish
- St. Edward Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth's Food Distribution Center
- St. Joseph Catholic Church
- St. Matthias Church At Queen of Apostles Parish
- St. Paul's Catholic Church
- St. Rita of Cascia Parish
- St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church
- St. Thomas of Canterbury Church
At 08:15:
At 08:30:
- Holy Child Jesus Parish
- Holy Name Cathedral
- Immaculate Conception
- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
- Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Sacred Heart Mission Church
- Saint Eugene School
- Saint Ita Catholic Church
- Saint Sabina Catholic Church
- Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii
- St Bruno Catholic Church
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St Gregory The Great Roman Catholic Church
- St Jerome Roman Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Lake Catholic Church
- St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Church
- St Walter Catholic Church
- St. Mary of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
- Sts. Martha
At 08:45:
At 09:00:
- Christ The King Catholic Church
- Five Holy Martyrs Church
- Korean Martyrs' Catholic Church Hangug Sungyoja Ceonjugyohoe Sikago Seongdang
- Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
- Providence of God Church
- Queen of All Saints Basilica
- Queen of Angels Church At Queen of Apostles Parish
- St Alphonsus Church
- St Andrew Roman Catholic Church
- St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- St Bartholomew Catholic Church
- St Basil
- St Cajetan Catholic Church
- St Daniel The Prophet Church
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Gabriel Catholic Church
- St Gall Catholic Church
- St Helen Catholic Church
- St Ladislaus Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Woods Catholic Church
- St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church
- St Michael Catholic Church In Old Town
- St Procopius Catholic Church
- St Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Catholic Church
- St Sylvester Catholic Church
- St Wenceslaus Catholic Church
- St. Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish & Church
- St. Hyacinth Basilica
- St. John Cantius Catholic Church
- St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church
At 09:15:
At 09:30:
- Good Shepherd Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
- Sacred Heart Croatian Catholic Church
- Saint Clement Church
- Saint Juliana Catholic Church
- Saints Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Shrine of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Millennium Center
- St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church
- St John Bosco Catholic Church
- St Michael Catholic Church
- St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral
- St Rene Goupil Catholic Church
- St Richard Catholic School
- St Symphorosa Catholic Church
- St. Barbara Catholic Church
- St. Edward Catholic Church
- St. Ephrem Chaldean Church
- St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church
- St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church
At 09:45:
- Christ Our Light Catholic Church
- St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
- St John Berchmans Catholic Church
At 10:00:
- Annunciata School
- Blessed Maria Gabriella West Parish
- Church of the Holy Family
- Epiphany Roman Catholic Church
- Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest
- Maternity B.V.M Catholic Church
- Notre Dame De Chicago Parish Office & Chapel
- Old St. Patrick's Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
- Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica National Shrine
- Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
- Saint Clotilde Church
- Saint Henry Cemetery
- Saint Phillip Neri School
- Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Parish
- Saint Teresa of Avila Church
- Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
- St Barnabas Catholic Church
- St Bede The Venerable Catholic Church
- St Bruno Catholic Church
- St Dorothy's School
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St Hilary School
- St John De Lasalle School
- St Josaphat Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church
- St Pancratius Catholic Church
- St Pascal Catholic Church
- St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church
- St Stephen King of Hungary Ch
- St Thomas More Catholic Mission Church
- St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church
- St. Benedict Parish
- St. Bonaventure Oratory
- St. Genevieve Catholic School
- St. Paul's Catholic Church
- St. Rita of Cascia Parish
- The National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
At 10:15:
- National Shrine of St Jude
- St Daniel The Prophet Church
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St Jerome Roman Catholic Church
At 10:30:
- Holy Child Jesus Parish
- Holy Name Cathedral
- Holy Trinity Polish Catholic Church
- Immaculate Conception
- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
- Madonna Della Strada Chapel
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Our Lady of the Snows Parish
- Sacred Heart Mission Church
- Saint Denis Catholic Church
- Saint Ita Catholic Church
- St Ambrose Catholic Church
- St Christina Catholic Church
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Gall Catholic Church
- St Gregory The Great Roman Catholic Church
- St Helen Catholic Church
- St Ladislaus Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Lake Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Woods Catholic Church
- St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Church
- St Procopius Catholic Church
- St Simon Chapel of St. Gall
- St. Agatha Catholic Church
- St. Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth's Food Distribution Center
- St. Matthias Church At Queen of Apostles Parish
At 10:45:
At 11:00:
- Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy
- Christ The King Catholic Church
- Good Shepherd Catholic Church
- Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church
- Korean Martyrs' Catholic Church Hangug Sungyoja Ceonjugyohoe Sikago Seongdang
- Old St Mary's Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
- Queen of All Saints Basilica
- Queen of Angels Church At Queen of Apostles Parish
- Sacred Heart Croatian Catholic Church
- Saint Jane De Chantal Catholic Church
- Saint Juliana Catholic Church
- Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii
- Shrine of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Millennium Center
- St Alphonsus Church
- St Andrew Roman Catholic Church
- St Bartholomew Catholic Church
- St Basil
- St Cajetan Catholic Church
- St Gabriel Catholic Church
- St Hedwig Catholic Church
- St John Bosco Catholic Church
- St John Fisher School
- St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church
- St Michael Catholic Church
- St Michael Catholic Church In Old Town
- St Sylvester Catholic Church
- St Turibius Catholic Church
- St. Edward Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish & Church
- St. Ephrem Chaldean Church
- St. John Cantius Catholic Church
- St. John Paul II Newman Center
- St. Joseph Catholic Church
- St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church
- Sts. Martha
At 11:15:
At 11:30:
- Christ Our Light Catholic Church
- Holy Angels Catholic School
- Saint Eugene School
- Saints Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church
- St Bruno Catholic Church
- St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church
- St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
- St John Berchmans Catholic Church
- St Rene Goupil Catholic Church
- St Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Catholic Church
- St Symphorosa Catholic Church
- St. Thomas of Canterbury Church
At 11:45:
At 12:00:
- Blessed Maria Gabriella West Parish
- Epiphany Roman Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Grace Catholic School
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Providence of God Church
- Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Parish
- Saint Teresa of Avila Church
- St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
- St Bede The Venerable Catholic Church
- St Benedict The African Catholic Church's Offices
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Hilary School
- St Jerome Roman Catholic Church
- St Josaphat Catholic Church
- St Ladislaus Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Woods Catholic Church
- St Pancratius Catholic Church
- St Procopius Catholic Church
- St Simon Chapel of St. Gall
- St Thomas More Catholic Mission Church
- St Wenceslaus Catholic Church
- St. Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
- St. Paul's Catholic Church
- St. Rita of Cascia Parish
- St. William Catholic Church
At 12:25:
At 12:30:
- Annunciata School
- Good Shepherd Catholic Church
- Holy Name Cathedral
- Immaculate Conception
- Queen of Angels Church At Queen of Apostles Parish
- Saint Denis Catholic Church
- Saint Ita Catholic Church
- St Alphonsus Church
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St Gall Catholic Church
- St Helen Catholic Church
- St Mary of the Lake Catholic Church
- St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Church
- St Richard Catholic School
- St. Ephrem Chaldean Church
- St. Hyacinth Basilica
- St. John Cantius Catholic Church
- St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church
At 13:00:
- Holy Trinity Polish Catholic Church
- Shrine of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Millennium Center
- St Ambrose Catholic Church
- St Bartholomew Catholic Church
- St Bruno Catholic Church
- St Daniel The Prophet Church
- St Hedwig Catholic Church
- St John Bosco Catholic Church
- St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church
- St Sylvester Catholic Church
- St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish & Church
- St. Elizabeth's Food Distribution Center
At 13:15:
At 13:30:
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Catholic Church
- St. Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
At 14:00:
At 14:30:
At 15:00:
At 16:00:
At 16:30:
At 17:00:
- Old St. Patrick's Catholic Church
- Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
- St Alphonsus Church
- St Christina Catholic Church
- St. Hyacinth Basilica
At 17:15:
At 17:30:
At 18:00:
- Epiphany Roman Catholic Church
- National Shrine of St Jude
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
- Our Lady of the Snows Parish
- Saint Teresa of Avila Church
- St Bede The Venerable Catholic Church
- St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church
- St Daniel The Prophet Church
- St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church
- St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
- St Gall Catholic Church
- St Helen Catholic Church
- St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Church
At 18:30:
At 19:00:
- Good Shepherd Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Parish
- Saint Clement Church
- Saint Jane De Chantal Catholic Church
- Shrine of the Sacred Heart Jesuit Millennium Center
- St Ferdinand Catholic Church
- St John Bosco Catholic Church
- St Ladislaus Catholic Church
- St. Constance Catholic Church
- St. Genevieve Catholic School
At 19:15:
At 19:30:
At 20:00:
At 20:30:
At 21:00:
🔎 List of Parishes in Chicago
In this registry you will find much more useful information about each church, such as the address, phone number, and website. We sincerely hope that you find this directory valuable! Please let us know if you have any comments.
St Josaphat Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St John De Lasalle School - Chicago (Illinois)
Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Bonaventure Oratory - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Clement Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Gertrude Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Martin De Porres Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. William Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Parish - Chicago (Illinois)
Providence of God Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St John Fisher School - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Barbara Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Blessed Aloysius Stepinac Croatian Catholic Mission - Chicago (Illinois)
St Symphorosa Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Dominican Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus - Chicago (Illinois)
St Francis Borgia Roman Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Korean Martyrs' Catholic Church Hangug Sungyoja Ceonjugyohoe Sikago Seongdang - Chicago (Illinois)
St Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Walter Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Benedict The African Catholic Church's Offices - Chicago (Illinois)
Old St Mary's Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saints Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St James - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Jane De Chantal Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. John Cantius Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Christ Our Light Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Benedict Parish - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Teresa of Avila Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Gabriel Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Constance Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Ladislaus Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
National Shrine of St Jude - Chicago (Illinois)
St Pius V Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
The National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini - Chicago (Illinois)
St Thomas More Catholic Mission Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Nicholas of Tolentine Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Eugene School - Chicago (Illinois)
St John Berchmans Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Augustus Tolton Catholic Academy - Chicago (Illinois)
St Barnabas Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Sacred Heart Mission Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Immaculate Conception - Chicago (Illinois)
Old St. Patrick's Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica National Shrine - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School - Chicago (Illinois)
St Alphonsus Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Holy Name Cathedral - Chicago (Illinois)
Holy Angels Catholic School - Chicago (Illinois)
St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Pascal Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. John Paul II Newman Center - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Mary of Perpetual Help Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Phillip Neri School - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Genevieve Catholic School - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Michael Catholic Church In Old Town - Chicago (Illinois)
St Gregory The Great Roman Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Henry Cemetery - Chicago (Illinois)
Holy Rosary Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Viator Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Good Shepherd Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Peter's Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Hilary School - Chicago (Illinois)
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Rita of Cascia Parish - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Elizabeth's Food Distribution Center - Chicago (Illinois)
St Bede The Venerable Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St John Bosco Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Adrian Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Bruno Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Simon Chapel of St. Gall - Chicago (Illinois)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Rene Goupil Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Church of the Holy Family - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Thomas of Canterbury Church - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Robert Bellarmine Catholic Parish - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel - Chicago (Illinois)
St Procopius Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Mary of the Lake Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Hyacinth Basilica - Chicago (Illinois)
Saint Sabina Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral - Chicago (Illinois)
St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St. Agatha Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
St Dorothy's School - Chicago (Illinois)
St Ferdinand Catholic Church - Chicago (Illinois)
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